The Garden Pictorial

a tropical garden, rotherham

a holiday destination in one’s own back garden

When garden owner Georgina Yates moved into her home 18 years ago she had very clear intentions for the garden. As a child, her and her sister had always played outside, and she wanted the same for her daughter - she wanted to create a safe and engaging environment. As a single mum, holidays abroad were not an option, so she decided to bring the holidays to the back garden. Also, as a hay fever sufferer, Georgina wanted a garden that would not set off her allergies!

During the development of the garden, Georgina retrained, studying horticulture for 3 years and is now gardens supervisor at Brodsworth Hall & Gardens. Her garden is constantly evolving, not only acting as a holiday destination, but also as a place to escape, a sanctuary and a venue to entertain friends and family.

Feature in collaboration with writer David Hurrion

Season: Autumn
Location: Rotherham, South Yorkshire UK
Credits: Georgina Yates